Playing a Character’s Personality

As players, we may our character’s personality and develop its personality as we play. While creating a character, we may also decide what type of personality he will have no matter what happens in the games. And then there is me…

I created a Druid for the Curse of Strahd campaign and developed his personality before knowing anything about the campaign.

(Side note: always read the campaign players guide or description before making all of your character decisions)

I decided that this Druid was going to be determined to keep nature as pure as possible. Which translates to hating anything that warps the natural order of things. Such as vampires, werewolves, and other abhorrent creatures.

Plot twist!

The Curse of Strahd is a gothic horror campaign. Hags, werewolves, and vampires inhabit most of the land. Not exactly the most ideal setting for my character. However, I decided to press on because it could create some interesting scenarios.

Fast forward to a small shack in the woods. We meet a man that locks himself in at night because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone and wants to be left alone. Guess what… he admits to being a werewolf. The rest of the party is all like, “let’s leave him alone,” “He isn’t the Beast we are looking for.” And, I light the shack on fire.

Keep in mind, we are level 1 maybe level 2 with little to no magical weapons. Fighting a werewolf at this level isn’t ideal. We survived, but the rest of the party ended up doing most of the work.

We had a few more scenarios play out, but eventually, my Druid grew emotionally and he began to realize that not everything is as black and white as he saw it. Now if only he knew that prior to the shack, there may have been one more NPC mostly alive in the campaign.